Jul 12, 2013 | Advocacy, Disability, Emotion, Evaluation, Least Restrictive Environment, OCR Complaint, Parent Involvement, Procedural Safeguards, Public School, Special Education |
I soon realized that we as parents had no established vehicle to participate in the decision making process on a district t or even site based level. I read about the passage of Goals 2000. (GOALS 2000 – Educate America) It was an approach to site based...
Jul 8, 2013 | Advocacy, Disability, Emotion, IEPs, OCR Complaint, Parent Involvement, Public School |
The day finally arrived when I went to the mailbox and peered inside to find a fat letter with a return address from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in Atlanta, Georgia. I opened it and began to read. OCR had found in their investigation that our school district...
Jul 1, 2013 | Advocacy, Disability, IEPs, OCR Complaint, Parent Involvement, Public School, Special Education |
I returned home with renewed purpose empowered with all this new information and now a job to provide it to other parents. I also had the new tools of the computer and internet and email. I surfed the web reading and learning more. I understood that this was about...
Jun 28, 2013 | Advocacy, Disability, Emotion, IEPs, OCR Complaint, Parent Involvement, Public School, Special Education |
Still no word from OCR and the school year had come to a close. My son returned home and went off to summer school but with an extra five hours a day minus bus time to spend and was back in his own neighborhood. I signed him up for the local sports programs like...
Jun 21, 2013 | Advocacy, IDEA, Special Education |
As I patiently awaited the final ruling regarding the transportation issue, http://www.ped.state.nm.us/seo/library/transguide.pdf I continued to network and learn. The closest established resource was Parent to Parent of Miami and I joined them and was receiving...
Jun 18, 2013 | Advocacy, Disability, IEPs, OCR Complaint, Parent Involvement, Public School |
The complaint was filed and we would have to await the ruling. The length of time for the complaint investigation to be processed by OCR was considerably longer than that under the State complaint. http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/ocrcpm.html) OCR can...