May 29, 2013 | Advocacy, Disability, Emotion, IEPs, Parent Involvement, Procedural Safeguards, Public School |
My first attempt at filing a state complaint was to try to find a way to get my son returned to his neighborhood school. ( His placement in the special school program was in a self-contained classroom. When...
May 25, 2013 | Advocacy, Disability, Emotion, IEPs, Procedural Safeguards, Public School |
We began to meet as a small parent group and look at what options were available to us. We asked to be placed on the School Board agenda and went before our elected officials to state our case. ( I understood that...
May 22, 2013 | Advocacy, Disability, Emotion, IEPs, Parent Involvement, Public School |
When I walked into the IEP meeting, the first thing I noticed was that there were some new people in attendance. One identified herself as the Special Education Director who was there representing the school board....
May 22, 2013 | Disability, IEPs, Public School |
My son was doing well as he entered into the third grade. He was an accepted part of hisclass, school and community. Yes he was the only student with hearing loss but he could read lips and with his residual hearing amplified could hear some on the lower spectrum of...
May 17, 2013 | Disability, Emotion, IEPs, Public School |
We entered into the public school system and my son was placed in regular class at his neighborhood school with four hours a week instruction from a teacher of the hearing impaired and an hour of support from a speech pathologist. He was also provided a FM system to...
May 17, 2013 | Disability, Emotion, IEPs, Pre-K |
My son continued to progress and continued with therapies. Still no speech at home. He would cry if displeased but no real words. He was working with a speech therapist and had started producing some sounds. It wasn’t until he was almost three that they...